Saturday 20 February 2016

Suamiku milik ibunya

Aku milik suami ku dan suami ku milik ibunya. Seperti apa pun seorang mertua, aku selalu ingat bahawa..Dia adalah wanita yang mengandung suami ku dalam kepayahan selama 9 bulan...

Dia adalah wanita yang air susunya menjadi makanan pertama bagi suami ku. Dia, ialah wanita yang mendidik dan membesarkan suami ku, yang mengajarkan kepada suami ku akhlak sehingga aku rasa selamat di sisi suami ku...

Aku tidak pernah keluarkan wang seposen pun untuk menyekolahkan suami ku sehingga dia berupaya mencari nafkah, untuk menafkahi aku! Aku tidak sedikit pun mendidik suami ku hingga kini, ia jadi lelaki yang bertanggungjawab, dan aku merasakan SANGAT BAHAGIA MENJADI ISTERINYA setelah pengorbanan ibu mertua ku yang membesarkannya dengan kepayahan, anak lelaki nya menikah dengan ku, dia bagi kasih sayang anaknya dengan ku...

Cemburu? Pasti dia cemburu.. Aku wanita asing, yang kini selalu disayang2 oleh anak lelakinya. Harta anak lelakinya tercurah untuk ku nikmati. Padahal ia yang melahirkan, membesarkan dan mendidik...

Teringat nasihat ibu ku tercinta, "Nak.. sokonglah suami mu untuk berbakti pada ibunya. Jangan suruh ia memilih antara kau dan ibunya. Kerana, kelak kau akan merasakan bagaimana sakitnya diperlakukan seperti itu oleh anak lelaki mu nanti. Apa yang kau lakukan pada mertua mu, akan dilakukan pula oleh menantu mu.. segala sesuatu pasti ada timbal baliknya". Dan tangis ku makin deras..

Oh suami ku.. bahagiakanlah ibu dan bapa semampu mu. Semoga kelak anak2 kita pun membahagiakan kita, sebagai balasan bakti mu pada ibu bapa mu...

Seorang  suami yg berbuat baik kpd ibubapanya... akan berbuat baik kpd isteri dan anak2nya...

#jangan cemburu suamimu menyanyangi ibunya kerana tanpa ibunya, tidak akan pernah wujud suamimu yang menyayangimu
#peringatan untuk diri sendiri yang kuat cemburu
#14days to come
#everyday hard day

Thursday 18 February 2016

Benefit owning cat

Here are 17 health benefits associated with owning a cat:

Lower risk of cardiovascular disease : Apparently, if you own a cat, you are less likely to die of cardiovascular disease. Indeed, a study from the University of Minnesota found that those without cats were between 30 and 40 percent more likely to die of cardiovascular disease than cat owners. Does it work for owning dogs as well? According to the study, dog owners didn’t reap the same benefits as cat owners.

Reduce risk of heart attack: You can reduce the chances that you will end up with a heart attack when you own a cat. Not only will your entire cardiovascular system thank you, but you can reduce the chance that you die suddenly due to heart attack if you own a cat.

Improve your immune function : Owning a cat can help your immune function improve. The feelings you get related to the cat can help you give your immune system a boost. Cats often know when you are ill, and can come and provide you with comfort, helping you get better while boosting your immune system.
Decrease chance of developing allergies: If you are going to have a baby, you might consider getting a pet. Having a cat can help you prevent allergies in your children. There are some studies that newborns that live with animals, specifically cats and dogs, are more likely to avoid developing allergies. Being used to them from an early age triggers immunity.

Help prevent asthma in children: In addition to helping to prevent children from developing allergies, there is some evidence that living with a cat can also help prevent asthma in children. If you have kids, owning a cat and exposing your kids to cats might help them to avoid developing asthma. Early and regular contact with cats can help your children avoid a number of respiratory problems.

Reduce blood pressure: You can help reduce your blood pressure by enjoying the company of a cat. Indeed, having a cat can lead to lower blood pressure. Just stroking a cat is calming and lowers blood pressure. Those who own pets, according to a State University of New York at Buffalo study, are more likely to have lower blood pressure than those who do not have pets.

Lower triglycerides: You can lower your triglycerides by exercising and eating fewer carbohydrates (especially from processed foods). But that’s not the only thing you can do. Some studies indicate that if you have a cat, you can lower your triglycerides and boost your health by owning a cat. While you should probably still exercise and eat better, owning a cat can help the process along.

Lower cholesterol : Are you trying to lower your cholesterol? If so, consider getting a cat. Interestingly, cat owners have lower cholesterolthan those who do not own cats. A 2006 study in Canada showed that owning a cat was actually more effective at lowering cholesterol than the medications designed to do that same thing. Indeed, you could save money on meds and improve your health, possibly, by becoming a cat owner.

Reduced risk of stroke : The prospect of having a stroke is scary. If you are concerned about having a stroke, you might consider cat ownership. Owning a cat can cut the risk of stroke. A study at Minnesota University found that cat owners could cut their risk of stroke by 1/3. The idea that you can help reduce the changes of getting a stroke, thanks to a cat, is one reason to consider cat ownership.

Reduce stress: Having a cat can help reduce the stress in your life. Having a cat has many psychological benefits, and one of those is relieving stress. Being able to care for an animal, or having a cat snuggle with you, can help you feel better, and reduce your level of stress.

Reduce anxiety: Not only can owning a cat help reduce the stress that you feel, it can also reduce your anxiety. Petting a cat is calming, as are other aspects of caring for cats. When you are concerned with caring for another creature, it can help you take your mind off your worries. Additionally, the presence of a cat that will snuggle with you can help you calm yourself as your enjoy the unconditional love of a cat.

Improve your mood : In many cases, interacting with a pet can help improve your mood. This includes cats. Owning a cat can help you feel better in general, boosting your mood. If you are looking to see mood improvement, a cat can help with that.

Help with depression : Owning a cat can also help relieve depression. While a cat may not actually “cure” depression, it can help take your mind off your problems, and focus on something else. The love a cat offers can also be soothing to the mind. If you are depressed, cat companionship can help you in your battle.

Help with autism: Autism is marked by difficulty in social interaction and communication. Those with autism have a hard time communicating in the same way that others do. Having a cat can actually help in these cases. There have been instances where cats have been instrumental in therapy for autistic children. Other developmental disorders can be helped with exposure to cats as well.

Reduced loneliness : Many who have feelings of loneliness can find relief with a pet. Cat companionship can help those who are lonely feel a connection with another life. Just having a cat to come home to and spend time with can help those who are single, or widowed.
Fewer health care visits : Those with cats make fewer visits to health care professionals. This includes visits to the doctor, and hospital visits. Studies have also shown that nursing homes that allow cats as part of the therapy for patients have lower medication costs than facilities that do not make use of cats as part of therapy.

Longer life : Along with being married and avoiding main roads, you can enjoy a longer life with a cat. Cats provide a number of benefits that can lead to a longer life, including a form of social interaction. So, if you want to be healthy and live a little bit longer, consider owning a cat.

Credit :

Friday 12 February 2016

Letter for mydear Future Husband

Dear future husband,

As I write this to you, I am blushing and grinning at the prospect of us spending the rest of our lives with each other. We’re about to take the plunge and go for the big M soon, but before we do, here are a few things I’d like to say to you. Before we get into the easier conversations about venues , catering, and attire , here is the slightly more difficult conversation I want to have with you. Here are a few things I’d like you to keep in mind before our big day.

It is called life partner for a reason. We may complement each other in some aspects, but are equal in every right. We shall both be equal human beings, parents, and partners in crime. Marriage is not what the media and society stereotypically describe. We are in this together. We will take important decisions together and share as many responsibilities as we can. So remember that you are my equal. I am not superior to you and neither are you to me.

You mean the world to me, but my world does not revolve around you. I love you with all my heart and trust you with my life. But I want you to understand that our lives go beyond each other. We have our own families, friends, careers, and so on. I hope you respect that sometimes you will not be my priority and accept that it is for good reason.

It's okay to forget special dates and anniversaries sometimes. I won't judge you for it. So don't judge me either. Forgetting is human and it’s totally okay if you do. Dates don’t matter as much as thoughts and emotions do, and a day or two here and there hardly makes a difference. There are more important things for us to worry and fight about. Let’s focus on those and not waste our time on trivial matters, and celebrate special days on any day we like, in any way we want.

My family is as important to you, as yours is to me. I will love your family and accept them with open arms, and I expect nothing less from you. Your family is now a huge part of my life, and I will care for them the way you would. All I ask of you is to feel the same sense of responsibility and belonging towards my family.

Never hesitate to share your problems, bad experiences, memories, or sad news with me. No matter how big or small it may be, we will try and solve it together. Remember that I am always there for you in happiness and grief. No matter how big or small the problem, know that I will be there to support you and help you through it in whatever way I can. It is human to occasionally feel vulnerable and you can always trust me to be a shoulder to cry on, or a pair of arms to hug you whenever you need.

We live in the same house. Chores are to be divided equally among us. Our genders don’t define our roles in the house. Both of us live here and share the same space. It is only fair that our contribution towards the house is equally divided. Both of us will have as much say in matters related to cooking, cleaning, decorating, hosting, and so on.

Apologies work both ways. If I ever falter, tell me how I'm wrong. Sometimes, one thing leads to another, and before we know it, the situation gets out of hand. And more often than not, both partners are at fault in a fight. You need to know that you have every right to correct me when I’m wrong, as will I when I sense a problem. Women are gross too. I poop, fart, burp, drool, and so on. The earlier you accept that, the better.

I know I will have reached a certain level of comfort with you by the time we tie the knot. I want you to accept me as I am and understand that you don’t have to always be perfectly turned out for me either.

We must always keep the humour alive. The jokes need to keep coming. If not about anything, at least about each other. We are together for the simple reason that when we’re with one another, we need nothing else to keep us entertained. We can be our crazy, goofy selves with each other and not care about the world, and I want it to be this way forever. We're both going to be old, fat, and ugly someday. But I assure you that I will still love you no matter what and joke about the way you look all the time to prove it.

You are free to express yourself, be sad, cry, or be romantic. But you will not be violent with me under any circumstances. I have been raised a strong, independent individual and I will, at no point, tolerate physical abuse of any kind, and neither will my family if it were to ever happen. Know that if it ever gets out of hand, I will not hesitate to let the law intervene. If, someday, you fall out of love with me or are rethinking our relationship, be honest with me.

Staying in an uncomfortable relationship for your partner, kids, or anyone else is never worth it. Two happy adults are better that one unhappy couple. Yes, it is easier said than done, but a little honesty will save us both a lot of heartache in the future.

Society may have given us a label, but first and foremost, you are my best friend. Yes, you mean the world to me. And there’s no one else I can imagine spending the rest of my life with. I am looking forward to us growing old together and collecting all the happy memories on the way there. When I’m with you, my happiness knows no bounds and I hope our love, friendship, and togetherness stays this way forever.


Your future wife,


#21days to go!